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Keeping Produce Fresh Longer
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Keeping produce fresh

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Are there any tips on keeping produce (both leafy greens and fruits) fresh longer? It's so sad to find soggy veggies and moldy berries before the next grocery run

8 months ago

These produce bags are a godsend for those who live alone or have a small family. No matter how wisely I try to buy produce by weighing just the right amount I need for a recipe or avoiding bulk bags, there is always a fridge drawer full of wilted veggies and sad-looking fruits that end up going to the trash can. I bought these produce bags from PEAK Fresh USA on a whim, and I was so positively surprised at how true their claims were. 

True, I was highly skeptical of these supposed produce bags that prolong the life of fruits and vegetables. If you read the back of the packaging, they promise you that storing produce in these produce bags will keep the vegetables for over a month (with a picture of fresh-looking lettuce that’s 42 days old)! 

I cannot attest to the 42-day freshness because I have never kept any produce for that long in the fridge, but these bags certainly keep everything fresh until I consume them (usually within 2 weeks). 

This is how these produce bags work. Although they look like regular plastic bags, these produce bags “breathe” and are designed to remove ethylene gas that is responsible for the aging and deterioration of produce. 

Peak Fresh produce bags 

  • Remove ethylene gas to prolong the life and freshness of the produce.  
  • Minimize moisture formation and inhibit bacteria growth. 

Excessive moisture leads to mushy fruit, and I experience that all the time with grapes. If I prewash grapes and store them in an airtight container, they quickly become mushy and soft unless they are elevated and get proper ventilation. To my surprise, storing grapes in these produce bags has been keeping my grapes fresh. Wicked. The same thing goes for peaches. 

Each pack contains 10 produce bags, and you also get twist ties to keep the bags closed. 

The best part about these produce bags is that they are reusable. Unless the bag is soiled badly, you can reuse it for up to 2 months. After that, the bags will lose their efficiency, so I write down the date I started using each bag. 

Brilliant product! 

Produce Bags
Brand: Peakfresh USA