Dior's Book Tote is such an ideal everyday bag that can be used for work, running errands, and travel. It is not as delicate as Lady Dior bags, and it goes with any outfit, in my opinion.
Dior's Book Tote is currently available in 3 sizes - Small, Medium, and Large. I believe the large Book Tote was the first one that came out. The iconic Book Tote look was so chic and was massively popular; however, it was a tad too large for daily use. The large Book Tote is perfect for traveling, though. The small Book Tote is the latest addition, and honestly, it is the perfect size to use as a daily work bag.
I got mine delivered, and look! A cute ribbon on the handles! It's all in the attention to detail.
My Book Tote is in the Blue and White Toilet de Jouy Reverse Embroidery.
White and Navy Blue Toile de Jouy Embroidery
The pattern also comes in the White and Navy Blue Toile de Jouy Embroidery (above). It's the same pattern, but the colors are in reverse. Both are beautiful. I went with the reverse pattern because I was worried that the handles on the regular version would show wear and tear easily.
You can personalize your Book Tote by adding your initials or name on the back of the bag.
You can also choose the color of your embroidery. I debated until the very last minute, but I decided not to add any. But it's a great way to personalize your Book Tote. I particularly loved how Dior allows names because most luxury bag brands offer initials, only, capped at 3 characters.
Of course, this is the bag without any personalization.
The bag arrives completely flattened like this.
Instead of forcibly trying to reshape the bag, I used a custom bag insert to shape and protect the bag.
I highly, highly suggest using a bag insert for any kind of luxury bag. You paid a small fortune for these bags, and you want to use them as long as possible, right? I'm also not the kind of person who babies her bags, so a heavy-duty bag insert is a necessity.
My go-to bag insert brand is 7RP (7 Rue Paradis). I can say with confidence that their inserts are the world's best handbag organizers. 7RP makes inserts for Hermes, Dior, and Chanel.
I ordered the L'Insert for Book Tote in Gold Paisley.
Caring for these inserts is so easy. You can machine-wash them in cold water and air dry upside-down. Accidental spills won't damage your bag, and you can wash the inserts, so I'd say the price is well justified.
Handcrafted in France, the insert fits like a glove, and it shapes the Book Tote with ease.
The small Book Tote holds all my daily necessities and essentials.
I have tried a medium Book Tote in-store, too, but I definitely preferred the small one. The Book Totes are quite substantial in weight, which I think is odd because they're essentially canvas bags with delicate embroidery. The bag gets exponentially heavier if you add this and that, and I found even the medium Book Tote too heavy. If you're thinking about purchasing a Book Tote as a daily bag, I would recommend the small.
Ultimately, deciding on the size comes down to your needs and preference; however, I think for everyday use, either the small or medium Book Tote is ideal for most people. If you don't need to carry your laptops or tablets, the small Book Tote offers plenty of space. And you don't have to strain your arm and shoulder!
Dior's Book Tote is such an ideal everyday bag that can be used for work, running errands, and travel. It is not as delicate as Lady Dior bags, and it goes with any outfit, in my opinion.
Dior's Book Tote is currently available in 3 sizes - Small, Medium, and Large. I believe the large Book Tote was the first one that came out. The iconic Book Tote look was so chic and was massively popular; however, it was a tad too large for daily use. The large Book Tote is perfect for traveling, though. The small Book Tote is the latest addition, and honestly, it is the perfect size to use as a daily work bag.
I got mine delivered, and look! A cute ribbon on the handles! It's all in the attention to detail.
My Book Tote is in the Blue and White Toilet de Jouy Reverse Embroidery.
White and Navy Blue Toile de Jouy Embroidery
The pattern also comes in the White and Navy Blue Toile de Jouy Embroidery (above). It's the same pattern, but the colors are in reverse. Both are beautiful. I went with the reverse pattern because I was worried that the handles on the regular version would show wear and tear easily.
You can personalize your Book Tote by adding your initials or name on the back of the bag.
You can also choose the color of your embroidery. I debated until the very last minute, but I decided not to add any. But it's a great way to personalize your Book Tote. I particularly loved how Dior allows names because most luxury bag brands offer initials, only, capped at 3 characters.
Of course, this is the bag without any personalization.
The bag arrives completely flattened like this.
Instead of forcibly trying to reshape the bag, I used a custom bag insert to shape and protect the bag.
I highly, highly suggest using a bag insert for any kind of luxury bag. You paid a small fortune for these bags, and you want to use them as long as possible, right? I'm also not the kind of person who babies her bags, so a heavy-duty bag insert is a necessity.
My go-to bag insert brand is 7RP (7 Rue Paradis). I can say with confidence that their inserts are the world's best handbag organizers. 7RP makes inserts for Hermes, Dior, and Chanel.
I ordered the L'Insert for Book Tote in Gold Paisley.
Caring for these inserts is so easy. You can machine-wash them in cold water and air dry upside-down. Accidental spills won't damage your bag, and you can wash the inserts, so I'd say the price is well justified.
Handcrafted in France, the insert fits like a glove, and it shapes the Book Tote with ease.
The small Book Tote holds all my daily necessities and essentials.
I have tried a medium Book Tote in-store, too, but I definitely preferred the small one. The Book Totes are quite substantial in weight, which I think is odd because they're essentially canvas bags with delicate embroidery. The bag gets exponentially heavier if you add this and that, and I found even the medium Book Tote too heavy. If you're thinking about purchasing a Book Tote as a daily bag, I would recommend the small.
Ultimately, deciding on the size comes down to your needs and preference; however, I think for everyday use, either the small or medium Book Tote is ideal for most people. If you don't need to carry your laptops or tablets, the small Book Tote offers plenty of space. And you don't have to strain your arm and shoulder!