I needed a (fashionable) bag for rainy days that I could use without having to worry about the bag getting damaged – so clearly no leather. I personally don’t care for canvas bags because they look way too casual for my liking. Eventually, I found the perfect tote at Bloomingdale’s.

It’s the Bao Bao Platinum Opera Tote (very similar to the Lucent tote) in Purple Mix/Gunmetal color. It is such a unique color – mostly purple with a hint of metallic shade of grey.

The Lucent tote comes in so many shades! You can find the whole color selection in Japan, including seasonal colors. Bloomingdale’s, however, only carries a few basic colors like White and Black.

I was extremely lucky to find the Platinum Opera tote on sale because it is usually much more expensive than the basic Lucent.

I love the material of the bag.

The exterior triangles have a plastic-like feel and are coated with resin so they can withstand everyday wear and tear. Because it’s water-resistant, I knew that it was going to be my go-to bag on rainy days.

You can adjust the strap height right here.

Each strap has 2 holes, and all you have to do is push the buckle in to secure the strap.


And the bag is surprisingly lightweight.

I had assumed that the bag will be bulky and heavy, but it’s actually much lighter than my other leather bags. Ok, I needed to get it.

A Japanese designer Issey Miyake’s BaoBao bags have been popular, and I’m now a proud owner of one. What’s so cool about the BaoBao bags is the unique textural design that reflects light in many interesting ways. The bag can be laid flat. And the triangular “prisms” reflect the light whenever the bag is full.

The bag does NOT have a zipper closure; however, it comes with a small inner pouch for valuables. The nature of the bag prevents it from exposing the inside, so not having a zipper doesn’t bother me too terribly. The inside stays dry for the most part on rainy days, as well.

All genuine BaoBao pieces come with a guarantee card, covering any manufacturing defects for a year.

I find myself reaching for this bag much more frequently than I had originally intended (only for rainy days) because it’s so unique, lightweight, convenient, and easy to care for. I’ve already received so many compliments when I was wearing it! They love the design, color, and uniqueness of the bag.

With the unique color, it is even more beautiful in person than in the photo.

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