My chins love Mazuri's Chinchilla Diet, and they've been on it since they were itty bitty kits. 

The food doesn't give them any digestive issues, and their stools are perfect. 

FYI, for those who are new to chin care, the condition of chin stools is an indicator of a chin's health, so we chin owners like to talk about the stools haha. 

It's quite unfortunate that Mazuri has been slowly increasing its price over the years, but that doesn't dissuade me from buying it. I always buy the 25-pound bag as it gives me the most discount. If you have multiple chins, I highly suggest buying the 25-pound bag over the 2.5-pound bag. It's astronomically more expensive than the larger bag. 

Mazuri's Chinchilla Diet is formulated with sweet alfalfa and timothy hay, which should be the main sources of the chins' diet. 

Excellent nutritional content! 

The 25-pound bag is packaged nicely, and opening the bag is much easier than other pet food bags.


However, once opened, the bag remains exposed to the elements, so I suggest transferring the bag to an airtight container or using a clip to secure the bag. 

Also, for some reason, my dogs love this food, so I transfer the chin food to a large, sealed container. Every time I drop one or two chin food pellets, my dogs race up to them and gobble them up! 

Mazuri's hands down the best chinchilla diet. 

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