Chirping Chins Chinchilla Accessories – Snuggle Buddies


Helen Reid

1 year ago

It seems like every chinchilla loves to cuddle with his or her cage mate. If you have a single chinchilla or incompatible chins who can’t be caged together, I highly recommend cuddle buddies. These are what we chin owners call “cuddle buddies”, “chinnie buddies” or “snuggle buddies” or something along that line. 

You can easily find them on Etsy, and I have been buying my snuggle buddies from ChinChic.

I love the shop owner’s attention to detail – the quality stitching, secure packaging, and of course, thank you letter/gift. It’s these little details that set a seller apart from another. 

ChinChic offers snuggle buddies in  multiple colors to match your chin’s color. I have a black velvet, standard grey, and violet chinchillas, so I got each accordingly. 

As you can see from the picture, I ended up getting black, dark grey, and light grey cuddle buddies. It’s so cute to see chins snuggle up to the buddy that looks like them, ha!

These stuffed animals are made of anti-pill fleece, making them both comfy and easy to care for. I inspected the seams, just to make sure they were properly stitched, and I was very impressed with the quality.

You see, my chin must’ve had some OCD because he loves pulling out some loose thread and eventually shredding it to pieces. I won’t have to worry about that for a while with these buddies.

All my chins love to cuddle and sleep with these snuggle buddies! 

And they also drag these stuffed animals to different places in their cages – they have minds of their own! My boys usually carry these stuffed animals by the ears, and it’s so darn cute watching them wrestle with the stuffed animals as big as them. You must get them!!

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